In Vipava Valley, there are numerous events taking place in the second half of August and the beginning of September. This is why we prepared a list of events where you can stop by meanwhile wandering around the valley.
GRAPES AND WINE FESTIVAL in DORNBERK, August 19 – August 21 - Friday, 19th: concert of Vlad Kalember, Srebrna krila and Prizma - Saturday, 20th: party with Zvita feltna and Joker Out - Sunday, 21th: from 2 pm, market of local products, bingo, raffle, children's program and concert of Darja Gajšek and group Prestiž
VIPAVA WINES AND CULINARY FESTIVAL in VIPAVSKI KRIŽ, August 19 - Socializing with winemakers and tasting Vipava wines in the narrow streets of Vipavski križ, Vipava's dried meats and cheeses, presentation of the mayor's wines, guided tour around Vipavski križ - Cultural program from 7 pm: presentation of the purpose of the festival and the wine destination, Vipava's cuisine (5 different local providers)
NIGHT UNDER ČAVEN (mountain), August 20 - From 6.30 pm: children's program - 8 pm: party with Gentlemani group
VILLAGE HOLIDAY in SELO, August 20 - Party with Dejan Vunjak and Brendijeve barabe group
SUMMER SCENE in SOLKAN, August 20 - Party with Tabu group
SUMMER IN VIPAVSKI KRIŽ, August 20 - Concert of Rudi Bučar trio
DALMATIAN EVENING in VIPAVA, August 20 - Concert of the Croatian group Klapa Šufit (tickets to be previously) purchased)
LANTHIERI ACOUSTIC in VIPAVA, August 26 - Concert of Vlado Kreslin and Iztok Cergol at the Lanthieri manison
CONCERT in SOLKAN, August 27 - Party with Šank Rock group
50 YEARS OF ZELENI GAJ in DORNBERK, September 2 - Party with Big Foot Mama, Pero Lovšin and Pop Design
VIPAVSKA TRGATEV in VIPAVA, September 3 - Party with Mi2 group
In addition, the first harvests have already begun and, despite the drought, the valley offers a rich selection of nature's gifts – peaches, figs, grapes, plums, pears. Come and enjoy yourselves!